
Archive for the ‘#farmerstan’ Category

Friday Farm Flicks 4/19/13

April 19, 2013 Leave a comment

Due to all the rain we have experiencing recently, our farm has been in slow gear. Usually we are done planting corn and finishing up planting soybeans at this time of the year but this year we have yet to turn a fleck of soil due to the cold and rain.
Rain is a good thing, and I won’t complain about getting a good shower now and again after experiencing the effects of #drought11 and #drought12, but this week was a little much.


Locally, roads have been closed and or washed out, our local hospital has had to be evacuated due to flood waters and many houses in town have had flooding issues, not to mention our farm fields are flooded as well. Not so locally, Chris Neimann, a farmer friend of mine in Nebraska, has been fighting continued snowfall and cold temps as he cares for his cattle. Indiana has been no different. Farmer, Brian Scott’s (The Farmers Life)) local water levels have been rising as well, giving his newly installed field tile a workout.

Flooding? Heavy Rainfall? Barn cat don’t care, Barn Cat don’t give a sh**! He is out cold on our comfy forklift seat.


This week has been largely marked by flooding, here’s a few pics of our farm fields:




Under this whirlpool is a surface drain for our field tile. It’s clearly working overtime today.


One may correctly assume #drought12 is over for IL and IN, however Nebraska is still under the effects of the drought.


Sadly this weeks post cannot go by without sending prayers out to those affected by the Texas fertilizer plant explosion. The factual details are still pouring in but many people lost their lives and countless others were injured. Watch the video of the explosion here, but I must warn you, it is shocking and breathtaking to say the least.

In the weeks to come, we hope to get going in the fields and begin to get our #farmerstan on but maybe not quite like this guy:


Have a great weekend everyone!